Disclaimer : This blog article was part of a fundraising campaign in response to the extremely strict lockdown regulations in India in 2020
The situation in India and especially in Chittapur – our main location – is tense; many people have had no income for weeks, no savings and their food supplies have also been used up.
More and more people are dependent on support, but it is hardly available.
A few official agencies distribute basic foodstuffs and recruit volunteers to distribute them, help out in hospitals and take on other important tasks.
Our partner NGO Jyothi Seva Kendra wants to take action. However, since a large part of the funding has been cut due to the pandemic, their options are very limited.
Together we have now decided to produce protective masks and donate them to volunteers. Protective masks can significantly prevent the spread of the virus, but are simply not affordable for most people, as all resources are currently needed for food.
Of course, our sewing workshop has been closed since mid-March, but the seamstresses can easily make the masks from home.
Since we, as a small company, are also severely affected by the crisis, we would like to ask for your support in the production of protective masks.
Our idea is as follows:
- We donate some of our collection fabrics and the seamstresses make the masks from home
- You can easily purchase the masks via our online shop
- Instead of making their way to you, the masks will of course remain in Chittapur and will be distributed as a direct donation from you to the local people
- This way we can kill two birds with one stone: 1. We donate protective masks locally, 2. We can continue to supply the seamstresses with orders and thus secure their income
There is no limit to the number of masks you can buy, every mask helps and we are very grateful for your support.