shipping costs
Shipping costs within Germany are 5.99€. For orders over 250€, shipping is free.
If your delivery address is outside of Germany, you can choose between shipping as Warenpost Premium or Paket International. Warenpost Premium is the cheaper option, but shipping takes a little longer.
The exact costs depend on your delivery country - in the table below you will find a detailed breakdown of the costs and delivery times per shipping option.
Via you can easily shop in our online shop with low shipping costs and, above all, without customs duties.
The process is very simple:
- Simply register with MEINEINKAUF.CH and you will receive a personal email address.
- Using your personal email address, you can then create a customer account in our online shop and process your order.
- Important: Please only use the following address as shipping AND billing address: MeinEinkauf GmbH, Max-Stromeyer-Strasse 160, D-78467 Konstanz
- All order and shipping information is automatically forwarded from your email address to your private email address. The team is also kept informed of the status of your order so that it can be sent to your address in Switzerland as quickly as possible. You can then view the status of your order on under "My Orders" around 48 hours after receipt.
You are still not sure whether it is worth it? HERE you can find a calculation example of the costs incurred for shipments to Switzerland, which will give you a little idea. Of course, the exact costs always depend on the product, the value of the goods, the weight, etc. All of these costs are already covered in the MeinEinkauf fees and you no longer have to worry about the import yourself.
shipping time
Once we have received your order including payment, it will usually be processed in our warehouse in Berlin on the next working day and dispatched (1-2 days). You will receive a tracking number by email that you can use to track your delivery.
- Delivery within Germany usually takes 2-4 days.
- Delivery to countries within Europe takes 7-14 days as Premium Goods Post, and 2-4 days as International Parcel.
Delivery to countries outside Europe takes approximately 2-5 weeks as premium goods mail (unfortunately we do not have enough experience to give a more precise shipping time), and 10-20 days as international parcel.
Please note that we do not guarantee the shipping times mentioned above, as the delivery ultimately depends on the shipping service provider (in our case DHL). The delivery times stated are our experience from the last few months.
Customs clearance processes (when shipping to countries outside the EU) can of course delay delivery, but if there are any problems, you will be contacted personally by the customs authorities in your country to provide further information about your order, proof of payment, etc.
For special orders, the delivery time is up to 8 weeks. Your individual piece will be made especially for you.
Overview of shipping conditions
within Germany
Shipping costs : 5.99€ (incl. VAT)
Shipping time : 2-4 days**
**We do not guarantee the shipping time, as the delivery ultimately depends on the shipping service provider (in our case DHL). The delivery times stated are based on experience.

*all prices in the table are net prices; for orders from the EU, taxes apply according to the VAT rate of your country
**We do not guarantee the shipping time, as the delivery ultimately depends on the shipping service provider (in our case DHL). The delivery times stated are based on experience.
Shipping in a re-used box
When we receive a return, the box is often only minimally damaged or has been marked by the post office. These boxes can still be used and protect the products inside just as well as brand new packaging. To avoid waste, we therefore resend as many boxes as possible.
If you ever need to send something back to us, we would be happy if you would send the product back to us in the same Jyoti box and use as little (plastic-containing) tape as possible. Thank you!
Pre-order / backorder
If we don't have your favorite item in stock (yet), you can usually order it as part of a backorder. This means that you complete the purchase process as normal, we pass your order on to one of the workshops in India, where the item of clothing is then produced especially for you. The production and delivery time is usually up to 8 weeks. Of course, you can also return a pre-ordered product within the regular return period if it doesn't fit or you don't like it.
Although individual special orders mean a lot of effort for us, we are convinced that pre-orders are an important part of our concept, because it doesn't get much more sustainable than this! Your well-considered decision to buy one of our pieces allows us to prevent any form of overproduction. This way we can ensure that every centimeter of fabric, every one of our products, really finds a home, instead of leading a sad existence as a "storage corpse". It also gives you the opportunity to get an even better insight into the creation process of your product and to experience how much time it takes to create something so precious. And what could be nicer than knowing that something was lovingly handcrafted for you and under humane conditions without any time pressure.
partial delivery
If we only have part of your order in stock, a partial delivery is possible. In this case, we will contact you and look together at what you need and how quickly, or whether the entire order can wait a little longer.
waiting list
If we do not currently have a product in stock and are unable to produce it immediately in India, you have the option of being added to the waiting list. You will then receive a one-time notification when the product has arrived back with us. Our waiting list is non-binding, which means that you are not obliged to buy it. It is simply there to inform you.
A small advice: Since we want to avoid overproduction at all costs, we usually only receive very small quantities of a single product, which may sell out quickly. So it's best to visit our online shop as soon as possible after you receive the notification.