In 2020, over 100 billion garments were produced - twice as much as in 2005. Meanwhile clothing use has decreased by 40%. As a result, clothing waste is one of the main reasons for the textile industry being the 2nd biggest polluter worldwide. Right after the oil industry.
Given the incredible amount of waste produced by the textile industry each year, producing as fair and sustainable as possible no longer feels enough. We believe that circularity is part of the solution. But what does this mean? Circular economy in fashion is the concept of fashion products that are designed, sourced and produced with the intention of longevity and sustainability, using non-toxic, renewable, biodegradable and recyclable resources. Through good care, reuse, repair, re-sell and redesign, the products should be used and circulate responsibly among multiple owners for as long as possible. If this is not possible anymore, the products should be recycled by manufacturing them into new products or composted to return safely to the biosphere.
Next to our regular collections we are offering second-hand Jyoti pieces as well as samples or garments with little irregularities at discounted prices to you. This will allow our products to live on and be used as long as possible, rather than vanishing in the depth of our wardrobes or the Jyoti storage.
Selling single pieces online would keep us incredibly busy, thats why so far Jyoti Circular products can only be seen, tried on and bought in our Jyoti Store, Oderberger Straße 42 in Berlin. Here we set up a seperate browsing corner with all the circular treasures and are looking forward to your visit!
You yourself have a Jyoti piece at home that doesn’t fit anymore or you simply don’t wear it?
2. Send us the filled in form via E-MAIL in advance and then printed out along with your product so that we can easily designate your piece. We we will repair it if necessary, define a fair price and sell it on our Jyoti Circular platform.
Jyoti – Fair Works
Oderberger Str. 42
10435 Berlin
3. In the form you decide whether you wish to receive 50% of the revenue or donate the same amount to our Trust JYOTI E.V.
In case a new owner can’t be found immediately, we will reduce the resale value of your product. Finally, to avoid the risk of the product being forgotten in our Jyoti storage, we will make someone happy with a donation.