Circular Wardrobe (Part 2/5): Proper Care
Welcome to part 2 of our blog post series: “Redesigning your wardrobe”! Now that you have found great new clothes, no matter how you did it (How?? Click here for Circular Wardrobe, Part 1 “Shopp...

Ikat – The supreme discipline of weaving
We have been searching all over India for it for over 3 years and finally found it practically on our doorstep – this very special woven fabric called Ikat. Last October, during a visit to Mum...

Vegan or not vegan – Part 1: Silk
So far we have only worked with vegan materials, to be more precise, with fabrics made from 100% cotton. That's no longer the case. This autumn, for the first time, we're using fabrics that origin...